About The Founder:
I’m Amanda. & this brand, well, this brand has stolen my heart. It’s a passion project, or some would call it a “grief” project. Both hold true.
I’m not a mother, but I could have been, & hope to be very soon in the future.
In August of 2023 I experienced a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. Sitting in that ultrasound room in utter silence will haunt me forever. No heartbeat was present. Our baby had measured at only 7 weeks, 3 days. In the beginning when we found out we were pregnant, we told so many of our friends and family. When we lost our baby girl, we had such a strong support system to lean on. It got us through.
I found out I was pregnant again with my rainbow baby in January of 2024. We didn’t tell many people we were expecting again. In all honesty, I didn’t want to feel the embarrassment of not making it to full term if something were to go wrong.
In the back of my mind I had this crazy idea of launching a pajama brand for my future equestrian because it was really hard to find equestrian inspired apparel for babies that was both cute and sustainable.
& then it happened. I experienced my second miscarriage, this time at six weeks. This time, not many people knew. This time, I drowned in sadness. So I dove into this project, this brand.
As I continue to navigate my own personal fertility journey, I hope that this brand can give all of you mamas (and dads!) out there a community of support as you bring home your future equestrian.